Monday, December 16, 2019

Zoology Free Essays

Your friend releases a pair of goldfish from an aquarium into a pond. The fish survive long enough to produce many young. Returning to the pond after several years, you find that only drab olive-brown offspring remain from the original brightly colored golden parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Zoology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Select any factors listed below that would have promoted the survival of olive-brown fish over the brightly colored variety. The fish in the wild spent most of their energy finding food and did not get enough calories to produce color. The somewhat muddy water found in the pond covered the scales, eventually making he scales become less colorful. The predators in the pond were mostly largemouth bass, which depend heavily on their good color vision to find prey. Although only olive-brown offspring are found, the original parents produced hundreds of gold, red, white and olive-brown offspring among the brown rocky and weedy †i shallows of the pond. The largemouth bass serve as a selector, picking out prey that are most visible and obvious. Natural selection Implies that there Is variety and that some of the forms are more adapted than others. In this case, the variety Is color of goldfish offspring and he drab colored fish proved to be more successful in producing young (because they survive to adulthood). If there was no color variation, or If a predator that tended to pick the brightly colored fish was absent, then there would be no natural selection pressure driving the species towards more drab colors. Which of the following facts Is least useful to a taxonomist trying to place animals In the same genus? Animals with shared ancestors have more DNA In common than animals that do not share ancestors. DNA contains the genetic Instructions that gulde the formation of traits In an animal. Environmental factors, such as diet or social status may cause one animal to behave or look quite different from another. An animal receives Its DNA from Its ancestors. In order for taxonomists to establish phylogenetic relationships, they have to understand the ‘family tree’ of an animal. DNA has within Its structure, hints as to ancient branches of an animal’s ‘family tree. Current behavior or response to the environment are not very useful for determlnlng ancestral lineages. You have probably seen at least one movie where aliens Invade the earth and umans find that their weapons are of little use In defending themselves against alien technology. In the end, the world (usually lead by the USA) has finally fgured out how to adapt human technology to defeat the Invaders. In natu re we find a similar situation when humans transport an alien (nonnative) species from Its natural ecosystem to a new one. However, unllKe In tne movies, tne orlglnal species In nature frequently looses the war for survival and is overcome by the aliens? Choose the reasons that help explain why an animal species might not survive when n alien species is introduced into its ecosystem. Animals are adapted only to those pressures and threats that their ancestors experienced over many generations. They can not quickly change their anatomy or physiology to respond to a new type of alien attack. Since the alien is new to the ecosystem, there may not be a mechanism (e. g. redator, parasite, competitor) to control the alien species. Therefore, the alien may be able to* quickly increase its numbers, overwhelming resident species. Unlike humans, animals cannot change their behavior or learn how to defend themselves. †+ An animal may not even recognize that an alien is a threat to its survival until it is too late. Species within an ecosystem that interact with each other co-evolve, that is they are part of t he natural selection pressure for each of the co-inhabitants of that particular community. An introduced species has evolved in a completely different environment. If the characteristics of the introduced species are of a type that gives an advantage to the newcomer, then it will out compete others -even to the point of driving others into extinction in some cases. The human population has been rowing rapidly and increasingly impacting our global environment. The impact that a given person has is directly related to that person’s consumption of material goods. So when thinking about world population, we must consider two things: the number of people and the amount of material each consumes. The amount of energy used to produce goods and services consumed is one measure of a person’s or country’s impact on the global environment (which can be stated in terms of metric tons of carbon emitted ). Using this concept and the approximated numbers for population nd carbon production per capita (per person); rank Germany,Binomial nomenclature uses a two-part unique name assigned to identify each kind of organism. The two parts of the name are the family and species genus and family family and phylum genus and species names. Charles Darwin published convincing evidence of evolution in 1703. 1524. 1859. is the study of the taxonomic classification and evolutionary relationships of living things. Physiology Cytology Entomology Systematics The science of life is called zoology. biology. organic evolution Includes tne concept tnat everything evolved from amoebas. organisms haven’t changed since their origins. umans evolved from gorillas. organisms change over time. Similarity in feeding habits is good evidence for evolutionary relationships among animals. behavioral patterns a sequence of DNA Put these taxonomic categories in order from the one that is the broadest to the one that is the most specific: D-domain, How to cite Zoology, Papers

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